Kamis, 30 September 2010

natural disaster (earthquake)


Earthquake is vibration that occurs at the surface of the earth. Earthquakes caused by plate movements of the earth or the earth’s crust. The types of earthquakes are volcanic earthquake and tectonic earthquake. The volcanic earthquake due to the activation of magma before the volcano erupted. And the tectonic earthquake caused by activity shifting tectonic plates suddenly.
The earthquake that occurred in Yogyakarta twenty-seventh May 2006 at 5.55 am for approximately 57 seconds is a tectonic earthquake, with a strength of 5,9 SR. Meteorology and geophysics agency or BMG determine the epicenter located at depth of 11,3 km.
In general the position of quake in the Indian ocean around south-southwest of Yogyakarta. Although the earthquake hypocenter was at sea but didn’t cause tsunami. Four districts in Yogyakarta province (Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and Gunung Kidul) and the Central Java (Magelang, Boyolali, Klaten, Purworejo) and cities in East Java province have been affected by the earthquake.
The earthquake resulted in many homes and office buildings that collapsed. Installation of electricity and communications to be damaged. Over 500 people was dead, over 15.000 injured, while some 200.000 to 600.000 people were displaced.