Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Merapi Disaster

Eruption of Mount Merapi on Tuesday, October 26th 2010 at 05:02 pm at least 3 times the eruption occurred and accompanied by the release of 1,5 meters high haet clouds that lead to Kaliadem. About 28 people died and including Mbah Maridjan as a caretaker of Mount Merapi.
The biggest eruption occurred on Friday November 5th 2010 at 01:00 am. The victim died greater if compared with the first major eruption. Most of the victims killed are from Sleman Yogyakarta.
They are difficult to be identified because their body burned and then they were buried en masse in Seyegan Sleman Yogyakarta. All of survivors were evacuated in the Maguwoharjo stadium, and posts located in the safe zone more than 2,5 kilometers from Mount Merapi. Safe zone began narrowed at the end of November 2010, so that refugees can back to them house.
Although now the Mount Merapi is not spewing hot clouds again, but the cold lava continues to threaten the people who living around rivers that disgorge from Merapi.
Losses caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi very much, but the other hand there aer volunteers who assist sincerely.